Dedicated to the memory of Rhianna


Born in 2007 Rhianna grew into a beautiful kind young woman with such character she will always be remembered for her infectious laugh and quick witted no nonsense attitude.

Whilst we are all devastated by her death we must rember she would want each and everyone of us to live our life to the fullest .

She was a kind , very giving young woman which is why in lieu of flowers for her funeral there is a option to make a donation to the sick childrens trust in her honour , if flowers are still wanting to be sent please contact me and i can give the funeral directors information over .

This charity has been chosen due to the using of their service during her hospital stay ,it meant i could stay close to her whilst she was many miles away from home taking the stress of travelling daily whilst also giving me a chance to rest and give her my constant attention when she needed it most not only was it available to me but also her wider family .


I would like to thank you all for the beautiful messages , flowers and cards also the memories and photos that have been sent we loved reading them.

 Whisper ‘I love you’ to a butterfly and it will fly to heaven to deliver your message


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The Sick Children's Trust
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